
What is CanadianWoodcock.com? Excellent question.

I suppose more than anything it’s a blog written by me, Kyle Horner. I’m a person who likes birds, other nature things, and generally being pedantic about birds and other nature things. That’s me down there, under the bird. If for some reason you want to know more about me, all the hot deets are at www.kylehorner.com.

kyle horner
Photo credit Steve Ogle. And this jaeger.

On these pages you’ll find musings about things I find interesting, which may include but are not limited to:

  • Bird names and how they got them.
  • The antics of birdwatchers and other nature enthusiasts.
  • Natural history trivia.
  • The complicated politics of birding Facebook groups.
  • Dragonflies, and other insects whose pursuit resembles birding.
  • Grammar, especially as it pertains to writing about birds.
  • Birding manners and etiquette.
  • Dinosaurs (both the ones that are birds and the ones that aren’t).
  • Saving the world.
  • Spiders.

If you, too, are interested in the above then we’ll get along just fine. If not then I guess this blog might not be for you. You could move along I suppose, but why not stick around for a bit? It may just surprise you.

Probably not.

For a proper primer to the blog you could always have a skim through the inaugural post: An Introduction…Obviously.